Friday, October 30, 2009


Christianity is the largest religion in the world. There are 2.1 billion Followers to Christianity Worldwide. Almost anywhere you go there should be some Christians. There are also a lot of branches of Christianity.

The Apostle Paul founded Christianity. But Jesus Christ formed the foundation to Christianity. Jesus is known as the son of God in Christianity. Christians say he was sent to earth to die for our sins.

Holy Book
The Bible is Christianity's Holy Book. It is separated into the New Testament and Old Testament. In it is writings from many apostles and prophets over many years.

Christians celebrate Christmas. Some people think of christmas of a holiday to get presents and gifts. But there is a little more to christmas for Christians. Christmas represents they day Jesus Christ was killed. He was hung on a cross and people watched him hang and suffer. He eventually died after hours of suffering. Easter is considered the day Jesus was resurrected or brought back to life. He came back and showed people what happened to him. He explained everything and he continued his teachings.

Christians believe in baptism. It is a ritual used to wash away your sins. Depending on what branch of christianity you are depends on when you are baptized. Some baptize as infants. Some also baptize as a kid or adult.

Clothing/ Dress
Christians believe in wearing modest clothing. They believe the less skin showing the better. They believe in wearing non- short shorts or no short skirts. They also don't want shirts that are to revealing.

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